I really enjoyed working at Herrang as the Volunteer Coordinator. I learned all kinds of crazy skills I never thought I could acquire or even need to know. Some days were easy, with lots of dancing, time at the beach or the lake, and bike riding with friends. Most others were full of problems to be solved. In one 24 hour period I heard "Meghan, there is an exploded toilet out at the camping!", "the Sauna is on fire!", "The ceiling is collapsing in the school house!". Lots of crazy problems come up, but there are equally as many crazy solutions and that's what makes it such a unique place.
I really enjoyed being part of building such a magical place that people from all over the world dream about year round.
Since coming back home I've been doing a lot of relaxing and visiting. It's been more than a year and half since I've seen my family, and I haven't spent more than a week at home in a long time. Mom even cooked me a turkey dinner on an otherwise uneventful thursday in September, to make up for all the turkey holidays I've missed over the years. It was really really really good!
Soon I'll be heading out west to catch up with friends in Alberta and BC. Eventually I'll decide where to spent the upcoming months, but I'm not in any great hurry.
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